Category Archives : Support

IT Consulting

IT Consulting

Do you need a software solution (e.g Marketing, Data Management/Point of Sales, Ecommerce, Newsletters, Expense reports/Website but don’t have the time to learn how to create it? I can prepare a software solution that will work for your business or home and I can train you or your team to use it effectively



  • Having trouble connecting to the Internet ? Trouble with your wireless network?
  • Want to have one printer that all of your devices print to?
  • Do you want to be able to connect to your home office remotely from your business office with just a few clicks?

I can troubleshoot and help with all Internet connection issues plus setup Wireless Acccess Points to enhance your wireless signal across your home or office
I also help install and administer servers, Virtual Private Networks and remote desktop applications
I also provide Remote helpdesk support for you at home or at work



  • Are you having trouble choosing what devices to purchase – desktop, laptop, tablet, phablet ?
  • Not sure what to buy?
  • Is your technology slowing you down? or Perhaps you have new tasks to complete and need a more powerful computer, more memory, an enhanced graphics card , or additional SSDS hard drives to back up your information

I can troubleshoot, set-up and install any hardware you have. I can also sort through your technical requirements, recommend a solution, help select a vendor to buy from, provide a quote, and lastly install the system to meet your customized needs.